Friday, 25 July 2014

Boat trip no 2

The second trip took place tues afternoon- this time we took along Ann and Anne, Mary f, lucille, Marie, pat, and Hester - di and Sheila provided the cakes to have with tea aboard and katerina was there to help the residents enjoy the trip ....

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

We're all going on a boat trip...

Monday morning bright and early for the first of three trips on the kingfisher at wateringbury - Eileen , Peggy, Mary p, Joan s, Philip, Jean n and pam were the first 'crew' .... We chugged along the Medway to teeston lock, had tea and cakes aboard and chugged back in time for lunch.

Summer garden party in full swing

Lovely day.... The total raised for residents activity fund was almost  £2700 - thank you to everyone involved...