Friday, 3 July 2015

Eventful Monday
Magisto made this little film clip of the photos I took today, mainly of the veg garden ( which is in preparation for the NAPA challenge 'fine dining experience' on 14th July....

A good variety session with sue today - she thinks the warm weather is having s very positive effect on everyone... Elizabeth and Joan started reading alan titchmarsh memoirs to the Monday group today; a trip we made on their behalf to the library and shops made a few residents very happy ... The guinea pigs enjoyed s run, jigsaws have been completed, and more art hit the walls!! Oh,
and Audrey created a couple of flower arrangements for her room.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Friday 26th June

Sun shining but a bit breezy so not so many residents choosing to sit outdoors today...Derek came to play some tunes, followed by a bit of Andre Rieu then 'pointless' .... While down the hall we had Christiane back for bingo and then instead of the quiz, she introduced the crossword book- Marie & co helped fill one in which Christiane will send off to try and win the £1000 prize!!   Bridget loves the fresh air and she could be found making art with mihaela, out on the patio, which was later added to the ever growing art gallery wall!