Thursday, 14 March 2013

watercolour collage

julie visited today for an art session. she was joined by phyl, patty, marise, marie, eileen,ken and lucille - all enjoyed playing with paint and trying out new techniques.  this is the basis of a collage entitled  'living by design' which residents will finish over the next few weeks.

meanwhile, jane was in the library, giving computer lessons to hester & iris, and later, after their art session, marie, eileen and ken. Marie was keen to find (out using google) what  the 'Aintree Iron' was/is.There are so many possibilities but she is not sure which one she prefers!  Hester has found lots more long lost relatives...sorry denis, you didn't get a turn today but jane will see you next time and you will be first in the queue!!

charity was here in the salon, with a full client list and audrey, joan and helen p had visits from their daughters' today; wins' son came by too...

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